Special – Rock Bands in Delhi Hit the Phoren Jackpot General by The Delhi Walla - June 4, 20070 City bands go global with foreign tours and firangi fans.[Text and picture by Mayank Austen Soofi]After 16 years in the spotlight, the Parikrama band is to shove rock ‘n’ roll back to where it came from: England. It will perform this month at the prestigious Download Festival in Donington Park. Both hope and anxiety are running high. "If we click, doors would open for other bands too", says Dilip, the drummer. The audience in John Lennon’s land could be tough to please. Things cool in Delhi might not be so in London. So the boys are gonna make their sound heavier. They’re not leaving anything to chance, in other words. "It doesn't matter if we have had more than 1,000