City Faith – Christmas Traditions, Nizamuddin West Faith by The Delhi Walla - December 25, 20110 Bhajans and rotis from Jharkhand. [Text and photos by Mayank Austen Soofi] A day before Bada Din, a day also known as Christmas, The Delhi Walla met a migrant from Jharkhand, eastern India, who left her land to make a living in Delhi. A third generation Catholic Christian, Anima Dungdung lives in the servants’ quarter of a bungalow in Nizamuddin West. Ms Dungdung was making plans for Christmas. No, she was not baking a cake on Christmas eve. Don’t doubt her skills. After working for 30 years in expat households, her apple pies are as light and buttery as the one they make in New England, but she said, “Christmas cake is a angrez (British) thing. No one knows how to make