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City Notice – Lonely Planet Recommends The Delhi Walla

City Notice – Lonely Planet Recommends The Delhi Walla

It’s official.

[By Mayank Austen Soofi]

Published in December 2011, Lonely Planet’s Discover India: Experiencing the best of India is written by Abigail Hole and Kevin Raub.

In the ‘Need to Know’ box of its Delhi section, the guidebook refers to the blog Eat & Dust, saying, “’Food Adventures in India’ blog written by food writer and cook Pamela Timms.”

Ms Timms, a Delhi resident, had treated The Delhi Walla to her homemade blueberry muffins here.

The Delhi Walla site also figures in the Lonely Planet list. Tucking it between Delhi Metro Rail and Eat & Dust, the guidebook says, “An offbeat view of Delhi by local journalist Mayank Austen Soofi.”

Lonely Planet says

City Notice – Lonely Planet Recommends The Delhi Walla

City Notice – Lonely Planet Recommends The Delhi Walla

6 thoughts on “City Notice – Lonely Planet Recommends The Delhi Walla

  1. A recognition well-deserved, and by the world’s premier publisher of travel guides, no less. Your international audience continues to grow. Congratulations!

  2. Congratulations. None more suitable than you, for an international travel guide.

    Locals like us too , enjoy your pics and writings. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    Happy New year.

  3. WELL DESERVED MENTION BHAI..this is just the beginning… long long way to go…success surely will come …u already are on the right path…with a specialised niche…

  4. Congratultaions Mayank. One day, your blog will be recognized for what it is, the very best of Delhi.

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