Atget’s Corner – 696-700, Delhi Photos Delhi Pics by The Delhi Walla - February 7, 20150 The visible city. [By Mayank Austen Soofi] Delhi is a voyeur’s paradise and The Delhi Walla also makes pictures. I take photos of people, streets, flowers, eateries, drawing rooms, tombs, landscapes, buses, colleges, Sufi shrines, trees, animals, autos, libraries, birds, courtyards, kitchens and old buildings. My archive of more than 25,000 photos showcases Delhi’s ongoing evolution. Each day five randomly picked pictures from this collection will be put up on the pages of this website. The series is named in the memory of French artist Eugène Atget (1857-1927), who, in the words of a biographer, was an “obsessed photographer determined to document every corner of Paris before it disappeared under the assault of modern improvements.” Here are Delhi photos numbered 696 to 700. 696. Dilli Gate 697.
Our Self-Written Obituaries – Ratan Kaul, Greater Kailash II Farewell Notice by The Delhi Walla - February 7, 2015February 11, 20150 The fifth death. [Text by Ratan Kaul; photo by Unknown] The party is over. Ratan Kaul is finally asleep. A society hostess famous for her collection of milk-white pearl necklaces, Ms Kaul died due to an overdose of partying. Though she had a fairly spotless reputation, she majorly over-drugged on life -- according to socialites close to her. Ms Kaul lived it queen-size and on her own terms. Be it people, places or things, she was on a perpetual high on all of them. Ms Kaul was equally at ease in the High Tea conclaves of Lutyens’ Delhi as she was in the samosa stalls of Govindpuri slums. Her infectious laughter touched the lives of many, or so she believed. "Her legion