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City Moment – A Colony of Birds, Lodhi Gardens

City Moment – A Colony of Birds, Lodhi Gardens

The remarkable Delhi instant.

[Text and photos by Mayank Austen Soofi]

One warm sky-blue evening The Delhi Walla saw a tree in Lodhi Gardens that was colonised by hundreds of birds. The birds were silent. Their kingdom seemed in a state of peacetime stillness.

Just then a solitary young man walked in from another direction. He happened to look up at the tree. It was indeed a fantastical sight. The branches were bare, but the birds had covered those branches like the season’s new leaves. The young man stood frozen.

He stirred, after a while. He bent down and picked up something from the grass. He then stood up, looked up at the tree and, with great force, threw that something towards it. It was a stone. Almost instantly all the birds flew away.

The tree became bare. It was a sad moment.

Now you see, now you don’t


City Moment – A Colony of Birds, Lodhi Gardens


City Moment – A Colony of Birds, Lodhi Gardens


City Moment – A Colony of Birds, Lodhi Gardens


City Moment – A Colony of Birds, Lodhi Gardens


City Moment – A Colony of Birds, Lodhi Gardens


City Moment – A Colony of Birds, Lodhi Gardens


City Moment – A Colony of Birds, Lodhi Gardens


City Moment – A Colony of Birds, Lodhi Gardens

5 thoughts on “City Moment – A Colony of Birds, Lodhi Gardens

  1. Amazing photos. I have seen this many times in Lodi Gardens, of course, but never in this exact sequence. Lovely 🙂

  2. “Once on a time from all the Circles seven 1
    Between the stedfast Earth and rolling Heaven
    The Birds, of all Note, Plumage, and Degree,
    That float in Air, and roost upon the Tree;
    And they that from the Waters snatch their Meat,
    And they that scour the Desert with long Feet;
    Birds of all Natures, known or not to Man,
    Flock’d from all Quarters into full Divan,
    On no less solemn business than to find
    Or choose, a Sultan Khalif of their kind…”

    – Fariduddin Attar Neyshapuri’s Manteq at-Tayr

  3. The melodies of nature. Very refreshing sight and their humming is like treat to hears.

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