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Our Self-Written Obituaries – Nina Subramani, Madras

Our Self-Written Obituaries – Nina Subramani, Madras

The 111th death.

[Text and photo by by Nina Subramani]

For Nina Subramani, 24 hours was more than enough to never be busy-she always had the time to do laundry, work, play, cook, make love, stare at trees, walk with her dog, make art with her daughter, respond to mails and pings, texts and messages, have endless cups of chai alone and together, talk on the phone, hold hands, walk to the beach, skype and write this obituary.

Our Self-Written Obituaries invites people to write their obituary in 200 words. The idea is to share with the world how you will like to be remembered after you are gone. (May you live a long life, of course!) Please mail me your self-obit at
