The Delhi Walla

Photo Essay – The Apocalyptic Scenes in the World’s Most Polluted City, Around Delhi

The end of the world.

[Text and photos by Mayank Austen Soofi]

For at least two days in November, Delhi was cloaked in smog. During the day, you couldn’t see the sun. At night, the stars and the moon went missing.

It became completely normal to see people going around their life wearing anti-pollution masks.

The Delhi Walla went around the town to witness the terrifying scenes.

The world as we know it… now

1. Yay! Honey, We Finally Screwed the Sunrise!

1a. City Vanished

2. ‪The Tainted Tapestry of Picasso’s Guernica, or Just a Slow-Moving Suicide March in the World’s Foulest City‬

3. On the Death of Mankind… in the World’s Most Polluted City With No Sun No Moon

4. I’m Going… Never Look for Me

5. Faces of the Smoggy Night

6. We the Dead… in the World’s Smoggiest Metropolis

7. You Heartless Brute, No Anti-Pollution Mask for the Poor Mobile Phone!

8. Why Did God Place You in the World’s Most Polluted City?

9. Suddenly, the Unfamiliar Sun Twinkles Through the Smog and a Common Bird Becomes a Special Hope

10. The Definitive Day-End Portrait of a Citizen-Victim in the World’s Most Polluted City

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