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Our Self-Written Obituaries – Amrit Khanna ‘Nobody’, Lucknow

Our Self-Written Obituaries – Amrit Khanna 'Nobody', Lucknow

The 192nd death.

[Text and photos sent by Amrit Khanna ‘Nobody’]

We wish to inform to the few who may wish to know that Amrit Khanna ‘Nobody’ is no longer among us. He was a nobody at workplace, a loser at home and he was depressed in real life. He will be remembered–if at all he will be–with terrible nonchalance and effort.

A highly undistinguished personality, he brought big smiles where ever he did not go. In school he was mostly spotted sitting in the last bench with zero confidence to say anything. He mostly remained anonymous to his compatriots.

Nobody knew him and he knew nobody. He was as much a stranger to all as all were to him, but then he made up for it by being shabbily dressed. He was noted for his shallow interest in cricket, although he was poor in it both on and off the field.

He is survived by his grief.

Our Self-Written Obituaries invites people to write their obituary in 200 words. The idea is to share with the world how you will like to be remembered after you are gone. (May you live a long life, of course!) Please mail me your self-obit at


Our Self-Written Obituaries – Amrit Khanna 'Nobody', Lucknow
