City Monument – St James’ Church, Kashmere Gate Monuments by The Delhi Walla - August 6, 20180 Delhi's Old Testament. [Text and photos by Mayank Austen Soofi] One of the capital’s great monuments built by the British is not in the British-built Lutyens’ Delhi. It lies beyond the limits of the Walled City, in Kashmere Gate. St James’ Church – mysteriously – doesn’t figure that high on the sightseeing list. The church came up in 1836. Its interior has homely dimensions. The roof doesn’t soar high, like, say, the Sacred Heart Cathedral near Gole Dak Khana in central Delhi. The altar, too, doesn’t seem that far from the entrance. Unlike a few other Delhi churches, where the scale is too majestic, the surroundings here are intimate, almost like a neighbourhood chapel. But don’t be misled by the church’s architectural modesty--its deceptive. Its