Mission Delhi – Robin, Shiksha Apartment, Ghaziabad Mission Delhi by The Delhi Walla - December 3, 20180 One of the one percent in 13 million. [Text and photos by Mayank Austen Soofi] Usha Choudhary is 61. Her husband, Ram Kumar, a retired veterinary scientist, is 72. They live in their two-room apartment with son Robin. He is 12. He is a black dog. Robin is so popular in Shiksha Apartment, a multi-tower residential complex in Ghaziabad, that everyone there knows Mr Kumar in M-block as “Kaale kutte wale uncle (the uncle with the black dog).” Robin moved into the couple’s family while still a pup. Their two human sons had left the nest long before the dog popped into their lives though Mr Kumar was still working at the Indian Veterinary Research Institute in Bareilly. “He makes sure we’re never lonely,” says