City Walk – A Journey to Togo, Vasant Vihar Walks by The Delhi Walla - March 11, 2019March 11, 20190 Tracking an elusive land. [Text and photos by Mayank Austen Soofi] Most of us might not claim much knowledge about Togo. But this West African country is right there at the Vasant Vihar Metro station. Sort of. Display signs at this Magenta Line station point to popular landmarks like Vasant Lok Market and, well, the Embassy of Togo. A sense of curiosity compels one to follow these signs to a country that denotes a kind of magic, with its fabled savannas and faunal reserves. Though, it’s much easier to actually get to the embassy than to fly to Togo. No such thing as a direct flight to Togo from Indira Gandhi International Airport, but never mind. An additional marker at the metro station directs a
Our Self-Written Obituaries – Devyani Srivastava, Noida Farewell Notice by The Delhi Walla - March 11, 2019March 11, 20191 The 217th death. [Text and photos sent by Devyani Srivastava] She was all of 30 when she left this side of the world. It was an anxiety attack that took her to the stars and the moons. Devyani Srivastava was an almost-writer, a half-wanderer and, unfortunately, a full-time civil servant. An hour before she left us, she had played the tabla, her only love for more than 20 years. Ms Srivastava has left no will. Among her most prized possessions were her books, some were by poets Faiz, Ghalib and Rumi; the rest included favorites such as Harry Potter and Goosebumps. She has also left behind an incomplete draft of what could have been her first poetry book, a few bottles of Old