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Our Self-Written Obituaries – Mrinal Pant, Naraina, Delhi

Our Self-Written Obituaries – Mrinal Pant, Naraina, Delhi

The 229th death.

[Text and photos sent by Mrinal Pant]

Resting in peace (her exterior very well obscured the storms raging inside) at the least garish corner of her house, Mrinal Pant was mostly seen mulling over the vagaries of life, or racking deepest tendrils of her mind over the question she sought answers for until her last breath–what all can Godot be? A letter from Hogwarts maybe?

She had a thing for antagonists, the real and the fictional ones; “Caesar wouldn’t have a Shakespearean masterwork named after him if it wasn’t for Brutus’ undoing” she said, or “Was Sherlock anything minus his arch nemesis Moriarty?” There was no stopping her scandalous opinions. That is what she enjoyed the most- unsettling the normative boundaries, in word and in thought.

Her obsession with finding her real self, her own sense of personhood was intact till her final moments. Yesterday, she came back from a long walk in the morning, reached for her fully-stacked shelf and read her favorite story for the 113th time. Only this time, she breathed her last. Perhaps the realization that she has been ripping yellow wallpapers off cratered walls all her life finally gave her a sense of self and meaning to her life.

Limbo intrigued her. She liked the in-betweens much more than the sure-shots. This is why she was always found with her head buried into books for they let her levitate in incertitude and evade gross finality of the real world. And precisely this is how she was found in the end.

Our Self-Written Obituaries invites people to write their obituary in 200 words. The idea is to share with the world how you will like to be remembered after you are gone. (May you live a long life, of course!) Please mail me your self-obit at
