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Our Self-Written Obituaries – Devika Todi, Bombay

Our Self-Written Obituaries – Devika Todi, Bombay

The 233nd death.

[Text and photo sent by Devika Todi]

Devika Todi died while crossing the road to reach her office. An angry bull rammed into her.

Her body lay all jumbled up. Her laptop was crushed. Her bag, however, remain intact, along with a picture from her last vacation where she can be spotted on a cliff with blue waves crashing against it.

The world never made so much sense to Ms Todi as it did the moment she accepted that road as her bed and her blood as her blanket. Memories came rushing to her, while people with strange faces gathered to look at her finished life.

She was of no use to anyone ever again in this capitalist world.

21 years of existence–now vanished. Where is Devika? Who is Devika? Was there ever a Devika?

Our Self-Written Obituaries – Devika Todi, Bombay
