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Our Self-Written Obituaries – Sudeshna Mukherjee, Bombay

Our Self-Written Obituaries - Sudeshna Mukherjee, Bombay

The 249th death.

[Text and photos sent by Sudeshna Mukherjee]

Self Obituary

She always said
“obituaries are tricky”
“They trick you
Into writings mushy.”

Between the mush
And the fact
a vast chasm creates a slush
stripped of all tact

Finally! Finally she kicked the bucket
A lusty kick unplugged the socket
A rebel with many a cause
Fought tooth and nail without pause.

Eager she was and inquisitive too
On what lay beyond the pearly boo
On a hunt to question the big D
Why? Why? To the one and only?

She lived through her struggles hard
Dealt with gusto life’s unfair cards
Making the acquaintance of the big D
Quite early in life you see.

Blunt and honest to the point of being rude
Laughed the loudest was never shrewd
Raising a smile became her ‘mantra’ cool
An unapologetic silly emotional fool.

Laughing the laugh
With many a gaffe
Resonating guffaws
Waiting for life’s furlough.

At last this common woman
Met that singular conman
Who continued with his random selective visitations
Spoiling she was for a duel of explanations.

Their she lies finally with that slight smirk on her face
Flummoxing the sadist fuddy duddy Death
How can one so look forward to death
To pounce on IT in the darkness of stealth .

Many an hour she had plotted
Lying in wait to be blotted!

Our Self-Written Obituaries invites people to write their obituary in 200 words. The idea is to share with the world how you will like to be remembered after you are gone. (May you live a long life, of course!) Please mail me your self-obit at


Our Self-Written Obituaries - Sudeshna Mukherjee, Bombay
