City Series – Gauri Yadav in Delhi, We the Isolationists (76th Corona Diary) Corona Diary by The Delhi Walla - March 27, 2020March 27, 20200 Our corona diary. [Text and photo by Gauri Yadav] I close my eyes in my self-isolation from corona… and I see A sketch of smudge charcoal, of melting desire and delightful vacancy. When I lie, I feel my hair pulling away from my head like static, it is a mother’s congratulation for having them braided in oil since so long. I hear an unending babble coming from my parent’s room of a ‘third’ who sounds like a news anchor and occasionally the soft sound of our dog’s nails on the ground. I think about Tomas and the pleasure he derives from deep isolation, and I learn to fall asleep on an empty bed without anyone beside. On this first day of Navratri I smell freshly plucked roses, resting in the puja, my father says he’s serving the nation still, unarmed, with his hands folded in submission, apologising on our behalf, begging for mercy and some strength. “We the Isolationists” series urges folks from any part of the world to share a brief diary starting with “I close my eyes in my self-isolation from Corona… and I see…” Not more than 100 words. With a horizontal-sized selfie, along with your city name… please mail to me at FacebookX Related Related posts: City Series – Ekta Yadav in Delhi, We the Isolationists (381st Corona Diary) City Series – Nisha Yadav in Ajmer, We the Isolationists (291st Corona Diary) City Series – Udit Yadav in Delhi, We the Isolationists (322nd Corona Diary) City Series – Ashmita Yadav in Mymensingh, Bangladesh, We the Isolationists (320th Corona Diary) City Series – Pushkar Raj in Delhi, We the Isolationists (380th Corona Diary)