City Series – Uneza Irshad in Delhi, We the Isolationists (364th Corona Diary) Corona Diary by The Delhi Walla - June 10, 20200 Our corona diary. [Text and photo by Uneza Irshad] I close my eyes in self-isolation from corona… and I see what an inquilabi I used to be (I’ll always be ) I see the last winters in a glimpse the national flag held high and high women fearlessly singing songs of resistance and men serving them tea I see youngsters painting walls with revolutionary graffiti I see pile of books teaching us how to dissent at the bus stand turned into library I see candles lighten up by the night soldiers showing how peaceful a protest can be. I see children, elder younger of all ages Sloganeering in unison And then I see myself standing in the crowd hanging out the banners painted with Ehtijaj poetry Neither it was Hong Kong nor Kashmir it was our Delhi And with a blink of eyes I see the deserted road and corona comes in “We the Isolationists” series urges folks from any part of the world to share a brief diary starting with “I close my eyes in my self-isolation from Corona… and I see…” Not more than 100 words. With a horizontal-sized selfie, along with your city name… please mail to me at FacebookX Related Related posts: City Series – Tawfeeq Irshad Mir, in Sopore, Kashmir, We the Isolationists (427th Corona Diary) City Series – Ifrah Rehman in Delhi, We the Isolationists (190th Corona Diary) City Series – Mohammad Syed Raza in Doha, We the Isolationists (51st Corona Diary) City Series – Shivangi Choubey in Delhi, We the Isolationists (184th Corona Diary) City Series – Avinam Manger in Gangtok, We the Isolationists (402nd Corona Diary)