Mission Delhi – Premchand, Kamla Market Mission Delhi by The Delhi Walla - January 7, 20210 One of the one percent in 13 million. [Text and photos by Mayank Austen Soofi] The life of this betel leaf stall owner is marked by two special facets. First, his modest (but long-time) stall is situated directly beneath the landmark clock tower of the Kamla Market in central Delhi. Second—and perhaps this is even more special—he shares his name with one of the greatest Indian writers. “Yes, I’m familiar with some of Premchand’s work,” says Premchand. It is afternoon, there are no customers for the moment and the gentleman finds it harmless to spend some time on literary matters. Premchand is particularly fond of one story written by his 20th century namesake, who has left behind several short stories and