City Landmark – Muhammad Ateek Chawbiwale, Tiraha Behram Khan Landmarks by The Delhi Walla - October 10, 20210 The key man. [Text and photos by Mayank Austen Soofi] It’s like discovering all the passwords of your online existence copy-pasted into a stranger’s laptop. Such is the alarm one feels on coming face-to-face with hundreds of keys hanging in several bunches, from a series of nails rammed into a low wooden block. The Old Delhi pavement stall of the so-named Chabi Wale specialises in making keys, or chabi, for various kinds of big and small locks. The Chabi Wale’s mobile phone number is scrawled all over the stall’s wooden booth, including on the wall behind him. On receiving a call, the Chabi Wale walks over to the customer’s gali or kucha, surveys the lock, and makes a replica of the lost key