City Monument – Sunheri Masjid, Near Red Fort Monuments by The Delhi Walla - November 1, 20220 A lesser known monument [Text and photos by Mayank Austen Soofi] Three domes, two minars. That’s the Jama Masjid, the Old Delhi centrepiece. Three domes, two minars. This is the Sunheri Masjid. It is similar to the famous mosque, but is tinier, and not a centrepiece of the surroundings. The adjacent Red Fort ramparts claim all the oohs and aahs. Even so, this Mughal-era monument — commissioned by Qudsiya Begum, emperor Muhammed Shah Rangila’s wife — is intensely pickled in its distinct character. Gazing upon the domes from the mosque’s sprawling courtyard instantly strikes an intimacy with the stone edifice. Its grandness has no icy aloofness. The adjacent neem trees are taller than the minars. The mosque’s interiors have the warmth of
Delhi’s Proust Questionnaire – Indrajit Ghoshal, Cyberhub Delhi Proustians by The Delhi Walla - November 1, 2022November 1, 20220 The parlour confession. [By Mayank Austen Soofi] Say salam-namaste to this very special data analyst. Indrajit Ghoshal works in a Gurgaon MNC; he also leads Poetry Darbaar, an initiative for poetically minded muggles he co-founded in 2016. This evening, while roaming about the cafés and restaurants of the elephantine Cyberhub, he agrees to become a part of the Proust Questionnaire series in which citizens are nudged to make “Parisian parlour confessions”, all to explore our distinct experiences. Your idea of happiness. I feel happiest when left alone. Your favorite occupation. I have been through a lot over the past one year at the personal front. So, decompressing helps immensely. Otherwise, solitary walks, exploring. What would be your greatest misfortune? I reckon I