The Delhi Walla

The Delhi Walla Books – They Are Bestsellers

5,000 copies sold.

[Text and pictures by Mayank Austen Soofi]

The Delhi Walla has got company. The other evening US President Barack Obama was sitting beside me. I mean Bob Woodward’s Obama’s Wars was placed next to my books, The Delhi Walla series, at the front shelf of Khan Market’s Faqirchand Bookstore.

“Your books are doing very well,” the lady in Faqirchand said. “They will keep on selling well,” Anuj Bahri of Bahrisons Booksellers said. “The Delhi Walla is selling like hot cakes,” said the man in Full Circle bookstore.

It’s official: my books have become bestsellers. All three volumes have been in the Top 10 bestselling list of Asian Age – for two consecutive weeks. Just hours before writing this, I got a text message from the sales team of HarperCollins India, my publishers.

1,600 copies of each sold out. Repeat orders coming in.

That means 1600*3=4800 copies have been sold. That means – almost 5,000 copies. In India, that is a very good number. A few days ago I got an e-mail from a reader.

i am in the airport lounge in bangalore as of now while reading the google reader and there is an crossword book store in the airport and i did not find any delhiwala here and when i asked about it they said they were out of stock :))

But The Delhi Walla series have been ignored by the media. (And I don’t have money to afford a PR firm.) Outlook Traveller magazine devoted a small passage that merely introduced the books to its readers. A very big national daily, the name of which shall remain a secret, dismissed my hard work in 4-5 flattering lines, in which it talked more about me than the books. Mint Lounge’s review was short but intelligent. Time Out Delhi, for some mysterious reason, has chosen to pretend that the books do not exist. Same with other publications.

One day soon, I will argue why these three volumes, despite their slim size and despite being ‘guidebooks’, are some of the most important books on Delhi that have come out in decades. Watch this space.

Selling like hot cakes

Somebody just bought them

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