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Our Self-Written Obituaries – David Laurence Libert, Wisconsin

Our Self-Written Obituaries – David Laurence Libert, Wisconsin

The 90th death.

[By David Laurence Libert]

David Laurence Libert died quietly and comfortably in his Wisconsin home late Thursday morning at the age of eighty five. He was surrounded by a number of friends and family. He had announced to his dearest that his departure was coming “before the next full moon” and true to his word Mr Libert left his physical body just days later.

The Madison native will be remembered lovingly by many in the Driftless region of Wisconsin. He spent the last years of his life bicycling and hiking the many hills, forests and valleys and canoeing the many rivers near his simple one room log cabin he had built with his own hands. All were welcome to sit around his fire and listen to his songs he continued to write until the end. He is said to have written over a thousand songs in his day, though only recording a fraction of them. “Music is an ongoing conversation between me and my gods and demons. Never was sure why there’s so many eavesdroppers.” But still many songs we’re cast beyond his woods, many growing in popularity even today in the hands of other artists. He also left behind many writings on topics of spirituality and its place in art, politics and society.

After spending fourteen years as a custodian for the University he decided to “let the world clean its own dirt for awhile” and retired from the state at the age of thirty six. Little is known of the next thirty years of his wanderings before his return to his home state. He would speak on occasion of some of the places and people he had met along the way but for the most part the subject was always changed to the task at hand or wondering where his cat Cookie was.

Mr Libert asked his ashes be scattered in “any old river” and that we tell the world “how much I loved everyone and everything”.

Mr Libert asked that if people must gather for him that he’d prefer a party. So all are invited to sing and dance in remembrance. Mr Libert was survived by loving family and friends and Cookie.

Our Self-Written Obituaries invites people to write their obituary in 200 words. The idea is to share with the world how you will like to be remembered after you are gone. (May you live a long life, of course!) Please mail me your self-obit at
