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Our Self-Written Obituaries – Shreya Roy, Omaha, USA

Our Self-Written Obituaries – Shreya Roy, Omaha, USA

The 105th death.

[Text by Shreya Roy; photo by Bodhisattwa Mondal]

Shreya Roy was found dead on her freshly scrubbed bathroom floor.

For her young age of 24, Ms Roy thought too much about clean bathrooms, clean white bed-sheets and freshly laundered clothes.

The cause of her death was found to be extreme sadness, which had crept up to the corners of her heart. She had been working on an academic paper titled “The hunt for the elusive Tiramisu in Omaha” and intended to get it published to attract more Tiramisu-bakers in Omaha. She also had been continually sad about not being able to wear her Delhi-styled clothes too often. Her neighbors did mention that she wore overtly colorful clothes and very flared cotton pants.

Ms Roy was passionate about documenting the wall art in Omaha, the doors in her neighborhood and the changing colors of trees in her neighborhood. She would be seen on her biannual recce of the trees in and around her neighborhood, during fall and spring. The result of these walks were exact schedules of which tree changed color when, or which one was the first to go bare or which one would bloom first and other such inconsequential matters. She lamented the lack of people on the streets who could take her photos along with the trees, doors and wall murals.

Ms Roy aspired to be and would have liked to be remembered as “the girl with the most beautiful collection of silk scarves and earrings in Omaha” (yes, she was shallow like that).

Our Self-Written Obituaries invites people to write their obituary in 200 words. The idea is to share with the world how you will like to be remembered after you are gone. (May you live a long life, of course!) Please mail me your self-obit at

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