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City Notice – ‘Somewhere in Delhi’ Exhibition, Second Show in Venice

City Notice - "Somewhere in Delhi' Exhibition, Second Show in Venice

Facebook on khadi.

[Text and photos by Mayank Austen Soofi]

It was a curious show. Instead of being decked up on walls, the art works were laid down on the floor.

The Delhi Walla attended the second viewing of Somewhere in Delhi: 17 Printings on Hand-Woven Khadi Muslin in Venice. The venue, M9, is an ambitious work-in-progress space that is being billed as the ‘Museum of the 20th Century Venice’.

(The first viewing of the art works was held in an outlying island of this watery city. I wrote about it here.)

Somewhere in Delhi is a collaboration between Venetian designer Anna Gerotto and Delhi blogger Mayank Austen Soofi.

Since 2009, the aforementioned blogger has been telling the story of a complicated city of 17 million people–through stories and photographs. He publishes text and pictures daily on his blog, and also on Facebook and Instagram.

From this unique archive of a fascinating metropolis, Ms Gerotto selected 17 photos and printed them on a roll of cotton muslin, which was then cut into sheets. The captions that accompanied the original Facebook posts of the selected images were also printed on the same fabric.

This is the first edition of Somewhere in Delhi.

FB posts you can touch

1. (Designer Anna Gerotto)

City Notice - "Somewhere in Delhi' Exhibition, Second Show in Venice


City Notice - "Somewhere in Delhi' Exhibition, Second Show in Venice


City Notice - "Somewhere in Delhi' Exhibition, Second Show in Venice


City Notice - "Somewhere in Delhi' Exhibition, Second Show in Venice


City Notice - "Somewhere in Delhi' Exhibition, Second Show in Venice


City Notice - "Somewhere in Delhi' Exhibition, Second Show in Venice


City Notice - "Somewhere in Delhi' Exhibition, Second Show in Venice


City Notice - "Somewhere in Delhi' Exhibition, Second Show in Venice


City Notice - "Somewhere in Delhi' Exhibition, Second Show in Venice


City Notice - "Somewhere in Delhi' Exhibition, Second Show in Venice


City Notice - "Somewhere in Delhi' Exhibition, Second Show in Venice


City Notice - "Somewhere in Delhi' Exhibition, Second Show in Venice


City Notice - "Somewhere in Delhi' Exhibition, Second Show in Venice


City Notice - "Somewhere in Delhi' Exhibition, Second Show in Venice

2 thoughts on “City Notice – ‘Somewhere in Delhi’ Exhibition, Second Show in Venice

  1. So so nice. There should be more art exibitions of India in general in Europe. Big big Congratulations 🙂

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