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Our Self-Written Obituaries – Shivani Singh, Bombay

Our Self-Written Obituaries – Shivani Singh, Bombay

The 172nd death.

[Text and photos sent by Shivani Singh]

Shivani Singh, 24, was discovered dead in her office cafeteria here in Bombay. She was found sprawled halfway across the lunch table with a slow fan whirring overhead. They say, she overdosed. Overdosed on conversations, overdosed on all the notifications. She was a lover of paperbacks and preferred listening over talking. They say she recently got addicted to the little shiny device with a half-eaten apple at the back, was even spotted smiling at it. No one could pry away the phone from her hand, not even in death.

Ms Singh had a journalism degree from Delhi’s Lady Shri Ram College for Women but was in Corporate HR–it was stifling, she quipped often. She looked content at the end, at peace even. Her last words came out as a whimper, it was something about deleting the account on Tinder.

Ms Singh is survived by her parents, memories of a pet bunny she called Laddoo Singh, a lot of unused stationery, crumpled bills bursting out of her tattered wallet and an old copy of The Room on the Roof, the Ruskin Bond novel that she held very dear. Oh, also her Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Quora, Zomato, Tinder (shhh!) accounts.

Our Self-Written Obituaries invites people to write their obituary in 200 words. The idea is to share with the world how you will like to be remembered after you are gone. (May you live a long life, of course!) Please mail me your self-obit at


Our Self-Written Obituaries – Shivani Singh, Bombay


Our Self-Written Obituaries – Shivani Singh, Bombay
