Our Self-Written Obituaries – Divya Patpatia, Anand Vihar Farewell Notice by The Delhi Walla - February 23, 20180 The 182nd death. [Text and photos sent by Divya Patpatia] Divya Patpatia, a writer, mother, teacher, compulsive storyteller, and lawyer died at the age of 70, after dinner on her wedding anniversary. She died choking of excessive laughter, her lungs; victims of years of asthma couldn’t take being mocked by her happiness anymore. She died in the arms of her husband, forcefully reading to him lines from The Little Prince, her beloved companion of a lonely childhood in scary cantonments, also a gift to her husband as a teenager. She had got rid of the self-created limitations on her happiness convincing herself she wasn’t good enough. Memories of childhood abuse and fear had faded. She had worn all the sarees her