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City Series – Shriya Prasad in Hyderabad, We the Isolationists (130th Corona Diary)

City Series – Shriya Prasad in Hyderabad, We the Isolationists (130th Corona Diary)

Our corona diary.

[Text and photo by Shriya Prasad]

I close my eyes in self-isolation from corona… and I see myself out in the meadows of yellow and blue telling me that there is another time like today, the now, singing to me in crescents of mellow from the below. I wake up to chop my almonds in symmetrical slices to put over my soaked oatmeal, to click a picture for my Instagram and go on about life as if nothing has happened, as if there is no migrant worker walking hundred of kilometres, striving to be alive. Alas, no one knows the poignance of perfectly cut almonds.

“We the Isolationists” series urges folks from any part of the world to share a brief diary starting with “I close my eyes in my self-isolation from Corona… and I see…” Not more than 100 words. With a horizontal-sized selfie, along with your city name… please mail to me at
