Mission Delhi – Vishwanath, Kashmere Gate Mission Delhi by The Delhi Walla - December 14, 20200 [Text and photos by Mayank Austen Soofi] Vishwanath takes all the precautions he can to avoid being hurt. But accidents still happen, and some injuries are unavoidable. The rickshaw puller’s leg is bandaged, though he insists it’s not a serious wound, pointing to the little band-aid strapped onto it. It happened a few nights ago. “I had dropped off a customer, and was riding to the main road, when suddenly a dog appeared in front of the rickshaw.” Vishwanath instinctively steered the handle, causing the rickshaw to lose balance. “The rickshaw fell, I fell too, and I got a small chot (injury).” This afternoon Vishwanath is sitting on the passenger’s seat in a north Delhi lane, waiting for customers, but also basking in
City Food – Rajasthani Dahi Bhalla, Gurgaon Food by The Delhi Walla - December 14, 20200 Homemade street taste. [Text and photos by Mayank Austen Soofi] There’s the sweet chutney and the sour one, and the super-soft deep-fried bhalla soaked in dahi, and everything is topped with broken shards of crispy papri. The dahi bhalla here tastes extremely homey — which isn’t surprising when you know that vendor Mahesh Chandra Sharma makes it himself every day, afresh. But why does he call his pavement establishment “Rajasthani dahi bhalla”? “Don’t you know?!” he asks, looking surprised. “Dahi bhalla was invented in my Rajasthan.” True or not, you ought to visit Mr Sharma’s stall. The only problem is that it doesn’t have a fixed address. This is a mobile setup consisting of a large pan and bags arranged in various places of his