Mission Delhi – Rupkesh Kumar, Central Delhi Mission Delhi by The Delhi Walla - October 6, 20210 One of the one percent in 13 million. [Text and photos by Mayank Austen Soofi] It was a brief sleep, and a deep sleep. And a rare occurrence, for Rupkesh Kumar, 53, never sleeps during the day. But this late afternoon he had a splitting headache. After quickly finishing dal-roti in an eatery, he parked his auto on the roadside, swallowed down a pain-killer, and sprawled his exhausted body along the passenger’s seat. “I instantly fell asleep.” He woke up 15 minutes later and discovered “my wallet was no longer in my shirt pocket.” The shirt pocket too had gone. “The thief slashed it with a blade, I think.” Mr Kumar unbuttons the shirt and shows the remnants of the pocket. The “haadsa