The Delhi Walla

City Moment – The Tree Surveyors, Bhisham Pitamah Marg

The remarkable Delhi instant.

[Text and photos by Mayank Austen Soofi]

One afternoon The Delhi Walla came across three men on Bhisham Pitamah Marg. They were walking very slowly on the tree-lined pavement, stopping in front of each tree. They looked serious.

One of these men would measure the tree’s trunk with an inch tape; another, who was wearing a baseball cap, would note down the measurement on a white paper. The third man had a wheeled apparatus, which, he said, calculated the distance between the trees.

Introducing themselves as employees of the New Delhi Municipal Council, the men said that they were were conducting a survey of the trees in order to make plans for a bicycle track.

The man who was noting down the measurements of trees showed the paper he was carrying in his hands. It looked like a page of sheet music. Just then the white-haired man with the inch tape stopped by a tree. Its trunk was so huge that he had to cling to it to take its dimension. It seemed like as if he was hugging the tree. It was a beautiful moment.

Treemen of Delhi










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