Our Self-Written Obituaries – Priyanka Haldipur, Bangalore Farewell Notice by The Delhi Walla - April 1, 20170 The 142nd death. [Text by Priyanka Haldipur; photo by Gautam Sabba] Priyanka Haldipur, a corporate communications professional by day, and Jar Jar Binks by night, passed on a somewhat drizzly June morning. She died of cardiac arrest after reading a Facebook status update written entirely in a series of phone text messages. She is survived by a loving husband, tomato plants on the verge of bearing fruit, copious amounts of American ‘chapsy’ in the fridge, and a half-used tube of Himalaya toothpaste. Priyanka was greatly admired by her friends for her ability to consume four pieces of sohan papdi at a stretch, and sketch Picasso’s The Dog flawlessly even after four glasses of sauvignon blanc. Four, it seems, was her lucky number. She