Mission Delhi – Dheerendra, Central Delhi Mission Delhi by The Delhi Walla - December 30, 2018December 31, 20180 One of the one percent in 13 million. [Text and photos by Mayank Austen Soofi] Many business enterprises are hazard-prone. It goes with the territory--and particularly if you’re a rickshaw puller. Case in point: Early morning on this Central Delhi lane finds rickshaw puller Dheerendra patiently awaiting his first customer despite obvious pain. “It hurts!” he concedes quietly, pointing to his bound foot. A few days back he was obliged to climb into the higher branches of a badiya tree to obtain wood for the cold night ahead. “Suddenly, I slipped and fell.” Dheerendra somehow found his way back to the garage where he lives with other pullers, who advised him to dress the foot with neem leaves. A friend picked the leaves for him while