Mission Delhi – Chanda, N Block, Outer Circle, Connaught Place Mission Delhi by The Delhi Walla - January 27, 2020January 27, 20200 One of the one percent in 13 million. [Text and photos by Mayank Austen Soofi] Delhi literally teems with scores of very important people (VIPs). Meeting even 1% of them would be the achievement of a lifetime. Far easier, but equally fascinating, is to meet the good woman Chanda who sits every day on a traffic divider selling bird seed—with hundreds of birds huddled right behind her. Here at Connaught Place’s N Block (Outer Circle) the birds know a good thing, soaring above and around Chanda. “A friend told me five years ago that pigeons regularly gather here, and that I could earn a living selling grains to people who’d like to feed them,” she explains. Of course, our capital has any number of places