Mission Delhi – Protiti Bhattacharyya, West Kidwai Nagar Mission Delhi by The Delhi Walla - May 6, 20210 One of the one percent in 13 million. [Text and photo by Mayank Austen Soofi] She is young and living through intense grief in this season of collective loss. Protiti Bhattacharyya, 22, a history student in the University of Hyderabad, kindly agrees to share a glimpse of her current life. Connecting on WhatsApp video from her house in Delhi’s West Kidwai Nagar, she is sitting on the chair that belonged to her father. You lost your father and grandmother last month. Baba had Covid and had been on the ventilator for a few days. The news of his death came in the way of a solemn phone call from the doctor, one of his colleagues from the same hospital he worked in. Ma