The Delhi Walla

City Series – Mitushi Pandey in Kashipur, Uttarakhand, We the Isolationists (430th Corona Diary)

Our corona diary.

[Text and photo by Mitushi Pandey]

I close my eyes in self-isolation from corona and I see bougainvilleas blooming in their glory under the teasing winter sun—existing exactly the same way I last saw them, months ago, on my favorite street. I see kind smiles and hearts untouched with hatred and erroneous truths. I’m calm, in this world unconsumed by the deadly virus, with a secret revolution brewing in my nerves. I see myself strolling around the city, humming golden tunes by Lata Ji and Rafi Sahab, somewhere in the embrace of deodars and Mynas. There’s only love; no rage, no disappointment. Only peace spreading its wings and taking me to places within myself. I open my eyes and the world shrinks hastily. As dreams fade and reality unfolds, all I can grasp is a chunk of the sky through my window pane. Who says the sky can’t be contained?

“We the Isolationists” series urges folks from any part of the world to share a brief diary starting with “I close my eyes in my self-isolation from Corona… and I see…” Not more than 100 words. With a horizontal-sized selfie, along with your city name… please mail to me at

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