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City Notice – The Delhi Proustians XXVIII, Paris

City Reading – The Delhi Proustians – I, Indian Coffee House

A la recherche du temps perdu.

[Photo by Mayank Austen Soofi]

The 28th meeting of The Delhi Proustians, a club for Delhiwallas that discusses French novelist Marcel Proust, was cancelled because photography is not permitted in the venue – Shakespeare Book & Company.

Between us: the bookshop is unimpressive. The Abbey bookstore, the other bookstore, just around the corner from Shakespeare & Co., is better. The meeting will take place there on 3 September 2012. Venue: 29 Rue de la Parcheminerie 75005 Paris. Time: 7 pm.

Where 29 Rue de la Parcheminerie 75005 Paris Nearest Metro Station Sant-Michel Time 7 pm

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