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Our Self-Written Obituaries – Gopal MS, Vashi, Navi Mumbai

The 26th death.

[Text and photo by Gopal MS]

We are happy to announce the death of Gopal MS aka Slogan Murugan. He used to walk the streets of Mumbai with a camera in his hands for many years.

Mr Murugan is said to have an eye for ordinary images that humans seem to like and we androids have difficulty understanding. His brain has been droned to Bangalore Human Mind Bank at the National Robotics Institute. It’s embedded in the ‘Human Eye’ project that will help us understand the seeing and observing habits of humans a little better. It will protect us from their irrationalities as we evolve.

Some of you robots will remember that Mr Murugan was responsible for the long-running legal case in the now defunct Supreme Court of the Humans for not allowing us to mine brains of humans before they die a natural death. This cost our Young Robot Nation of India valuable time in eliminating inefficient life forms from our domains.

Now we can put Mr Murugan’s brain to use.

It will join the brains of other interesting carbon forms including of a Delhi blogger who roamed the streets of that city (and stalked a famous female human writer), people who used selfie sticks, a political leader who always knew where the camera was, astrologers who saw the future and painters who scribbled modern art.

The information mined from these brains will also help us create a new generation of androids that will infiltrate unconquered human colonies and send us images and information to build better systems to combat their irrational and unpredictable methods.

The link to view Mr Murugan’s memories and photographs will be tweeted tomorrow.

Our Self-Written Obituaries invites people to write their obituary in 200 words. The idea is to share with the world how you will like to be remembered after you are gone. (May you live a long life, of course!) Please mail me your self-obit at
