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City Notice – The Delhi Proustians is Back

A la recherche du temps perdu.

[Text and photo by Mayank Austen Soofi]

The Delhi Walla is happy to announce the 38th meeting of The Delhi Proustians, a wildly-popular club created in 2011 that gossips about French novelist Marcel Proust and reads his multi-volume novel, In Search of Lost Time.

The last meeting was held in February 2013; a lot has happened since then between Marcel and I. I’ll share some of it on March 9 2015. (The time and venue will be announced over the weekend.) We shall also bitch about novelist Kazuo Ishiguro. In a recent interview promoting his new book, Mr Ishiguro made unflattering comments about our prophet. He said:

“To be absolutely honest, apart from the opening volume of Proust, I find him crushingly dull. The trouble with Proust is that sometimes you go through an absolutely wonderful passage, but then you have to go about 200 pages of intense French snobbery, high-society maneuverings and pure self-indulgence. It goes on and on and on and on. But every now and again, I suppose around memory, he can be beautiful.”

Alas, we are liberals. Mr Ishiguro too is welcome to join our club.

See you soon.

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