Mission Delhi – Rachana Rao Umashankar, Shahpur Jat Mission Delhi by The Delhi Walla - March 14, 2010May 23, 20107 One of the one per cent in 13 million. [Text and pictures by Mayank Austen Soofi] Coming out of the kitchen, she stops at the centre of the room and looks around. Rachana Rao Umashankar’s apartment is bustling with life. The laptop is logged on. The leather bag is on the floor. The suitcases are half-open. On the refrigerator: a hairbrush, contact lenses, a tube of Vaseline and a bottle of cough syrup. “I’m leaving Delhi next week and haven’t started packing yet,” she says, sitting down on a swivel chair. As part of her doctoral dissertation on Sufism, Ms Umashankar, a US-based scholar, arrived in India to – in her language - “look at the ways in which contemporary Sufis and adherents