The Delhi Walla

City Series – Tanvi Akhauri in Delhi, We the Isolationists (422nd Corona Diary)

Our corona diary.

[Text and photo by Tanvi Akhauri]

I close my eyes in self-isolation from corona and I see the Dilli of my dreams that once was, caught in the time snag of olden days I never lived, only read of, but is now no more. Its bustling bazaars and dilapidated havelis seem like homes I knew in another life where spiced winds blew through choked galis to carry the secrets of their Hindustani chatter away to lands unknown.

Perhaps this city of my dreams still breathes somewhere, lying forgotten in a concealed lane of my beloved Purani Dilli, its beating heart nostalgic for my return.

“We the Isolationists” series urges folks from any part of the world to share a brief diary starting with “I close my eyes in my self-isolation from Corona… and I see…” Not more than 100 words. With a horizontal-sized selfie, along with your city name… please mail to me at

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