City Walk – Jama Masjid Road, Old Delhi Walks by The Delhi Walla - May 15, 2023May 16, 20230 A way of mixed feelings. [Text and photo by Mayank Austen Soofi] The setting sun has made the sky incarnadine. Or, is the sandstone minar turning the sky red? Tall and utterly alone, suspended in the thin air, this lean tower is the only fragment of Jama Masjid clearly visible from Jama Masjid Road. Looking so surreal, its tip thurst against the twilight, the crows wheeling around it in slow motion. At the close of the day, while the road fills up with the rush hour racket, the minar stays aloof, stoic, sphinx-like, bathed in a quality beyond the power of words. The road itself is so grounded to the hard gritty life that it feels light years away from the dreamy minar.