City Series – Anusha Dhawan in Sonipat, Haryana, We the Isolationists (169th Corona Diary) Corona Diary by The Delhi Walla - April 10, 20200 Our corona diary. [Text and photo by Anusha Dhawan] I close my eyes in self-isolation from corona… and I see myself, drawing and lying uncomfortably in a one person bed, I feel the press of the full moons of my sole on my restitched ankle , I see the hollow of my back as a cup, full of the flesh of an imaginary palm (no person), I know it will never be someone so dear, While I am at it, the side of my toe tries to fit into the nape of the other one this time accompanied with a slight itch I pause the wet of my underarm being cooled (there are two or more of us one is the limb that has learnt to survive and the other is the one I find hanging loosely in bed) looping and warping images I have always known would remain unrequited but the phantom kept weaving untill now, now – that there is this lump in my throat now – I question whether your full and my hollow are both rendered irrelevant? “We the Isolationists” series urges folks from any part of the world to share a brief diary starting with “I close my eyes in my self-isolation from Corona… and I see…” Not more than 100 words. With a horizontal-sized selfie, along with your city name… please mail to me at FacebookX Related Related posts: City Series – Rachit Dhawan in Delhi, We the Isolationists (101st Corona Diary) City Series – Tanvi Kaliraman in Jind, Haryana, We the Isolationists (276th Corona Diary) City Series – Tanistha Arora in Kaithal, Haryana, We the Isolationists (203rd Corona Diary) City Series – Ritika Parwal in Jaipur, We the Isolationists (60th Corona Diary) City Series – Thaihamdao Haflongbar in Delhi, We the Isolationists (139th Corona Diary)